This is the first draft of the manifesto for a new artist run space in London so far things are going very slow with how things are going slowly that I would of like due to the second Lockdown but I expect things to speed up again next month when we obtain the space below is the early progress I have been making on how I would like the space to be operated and  how I want it to be. I have been looking at other Gallery run spaces of the pass including the likes of 90’s London spaces such as City Racing and Bank more recent ones in the U.K like moot and then Ferus which was part of the early foundations of creating a Los Angles Art scene.

I wanted this to be a natural progression of my work as from very early on I have had the obsession of space in the art pieces I made so it would be fitting to occupy a space myself.

The questions that I want to answer with the space are

What does the space believe in?

What does the space value?

What can I take from pervious artist run gallery spaces to make mine different?  

Below are the rules I want to follow

  1. The Space must be interchangeable to value the artist showing so the work can be presented in the way it is intended.
  2. The space must also Value itself and be inclusive of the work being shown but also have a clear curatorial message with each show and not try to shoehorn works together and have a natural flow.
  3. The Space will act as an open studio when no exhibition is on open to the public as a communal space.
  4. No ulterior motives involved it must operate and function for art purposes only; no additions of cafes, coffee, or other outside interests strictly art purposes.
  5. The Space must also quickly establish what it believes in showing works we’ve chosen of artists we like and not doing something that we don’t feels work being in London bit not being just a London gallery and having strong belief of showing work from artists everything where we can to create a connection.
  6. The space must strictly exist physically never have an online show, online presence should only exist to highlight and promote the physical space.
  7. A monthly magazine sent to other galleries and universities listing articles about the space including the work we are currently making, artists we are liking that month as well as open calls.