Recently I started looking at myself within my work looking at how my practice works within the space of myself and stripping everything back to get an authentic way of making work this is a way I have been working in the last year. Creating work that play on the way I have been feeling displayed with anxiety in the theme of place and space to try and related myself within the piece to the audience instead of making work that is directly made for a specific audience.

Every day feels like a Sunday

Above was work from the start of my new way of working about anxieties of being stuck in a place you no longer want to be, creating this warped view of a city that no longer felt the same and I wanted to show the audience this and how it was making me feel to be lost living in a deja vu like state and this was the best way to express that within video looking at people committed to their routines.

Three Swords, a flag

Here in this work i continued the process moving back to Essex and wanting to make something new I was looking towards sculpture looking at my identity not just as Essex artist but somebody who has grown up their it felt as if the part I knew had lost its identity so I sculpted and reconstructed the flag and separated the objects from the back ground and presented them in a museum like environment to show the lost ideas being locked up in a cabinet