Looking at Marc Auge’s idea of the Non-place, and addapting it into my practice I want to explore how capitalism has created harsh living conditions and a state of uncomfortability in day to day life.

Zero hour contracts, underpaid overworked workers, rising housing prices and the deconstruction of peoples worth to help the oppression of minorities and the working classes through their need to provide being manipulated.

I want to take place in account the furtherest I can stretch it.

Harlow New Town turned 70 years old last year a Utopia built for working class families leaving London, inspired by art with its sculpture tour and a place created as an affordable place to live and work.

In the 70 years the identity has long gone expensive new builds and a lack of interest has turned Harlow in a commuter town which creates this Non-Place atmosphere a place that feels like it has no identity, no future and nothing to say.